Belly Fat Increases Risk for Migraines


A new study posted in an American Academy of Neurology news release suggests that young and middle-aged adults with larger waistlines are at an increased risk for migraines. The study included over 22,000 U.S. adults over 20 years old.  Thirty-seven percent of women ages 20 to 55 with increased abdominal fat reported migraines compared to 29%  in women without excess adbominal fat. Twenty percent of men ages 20 to 55 with increased belly fat reported migraines compared to 16% of men without excess belly fat. In women over 55 years the likelihood of migraines decreased with increased abdominal fat. This is a preliminary study and needs to be evaluated further but suggests that losing belly fat may help to decrease the incidence of migraine headaches in young and middle aged men and especially women.